2 Lots Equals How Many Square Feet
Calculate a Rectangle Area
Even though the math is annoying, I have had much, MUCH better results with 2.5 feet. Also, that's the width of interior doors in a house (though front doors are 3 feet). If you use 2 feet, rooms turnout looking too large. If you use 3 feet, they're ridiculously small. I may be alone on this, but I've had great results using 2.
How Many Feet In 100 Yards
Calculator Use
Use this calculator to find the square footage, square yardage, square meters or acres for a building, home, garden or construction project. Calculate square footage, yardage, meters and acres for landscape, flooring, carpet, or tiling projects to estimate area and the amount of material you will need. Also calculate the cost of materials when you enter the price per square foot, price per square yard or price per square meter.
Price is entered in the fields, for example, as
$ price: 3.00 per: 1 square unit: foot (ft²)
meaning $3.00 per 1 square foot
$ price: 25.00 per: 1000 square unit: foot (ft²)
meaning $25.00 per 1000 square feet
etc ....

If you want to calculate volume of bulk materials such as mulch or gravel you should use our calculator for cubic yards and cubic meters.
Enter measurements in US units or metric units. Calculate area from your measurements in inches (in), feet (ft), yards (yd), millimeters (mm), centimeters (cm), or meters (m). You can also enter decimal values. For example, if you have one measurement that is 7'3' you can enter that as 7.25 feet (3'/12' = 0.25 ft). If you have a measurement of 245 cm you can also enter that as 2.45 m.
A square footage calculator is an automated program used to calculate the number of square feet of a given area. Square footage is calculated by multiplying width by length or width by height. Typically in the US, feet, and inches are used for measuring. How to calculate square footage? Determine the width and length. Length can also be height. If you have a piece of land that is a perfect square of 5 acres it would be four equal sides of 466.7 feet. The total number of square feet for a piece of land that is 5 acres is 217800. The number 43,560 is a constant used to convert square feet to acres. Using the example above, 12,650/43,560 would equal a land plot with 0.29 acres. To find square feet, multiply the length measurement in feet by the width measurement in feet. This yields a product called the area, which is expressed in square feet (or square inches if you are calculating a much smaller space, such as a dollhouse). For example, if you are buying carpet for a room that is 12-feet long and 10-feet wide.
How to Calculate Square Footage
Square footage is area expressed in square feet. Likewise, square yardage is area expressed in square yards. Square meters is also a common measure of area.
Assume you have a rectangular area such as a room and, for example, you want to calculate the square footage area for flooring or carpet.
The way to calculate a rectangular area is by measuring the length and width of your area then multiplying those two numbers together to get the area in feet squared (ft2). If you have on oddly shaped area, such as an L-shape, split it into square or rectanglualar sections and treat them as two separate areas. Calculate the area of each section then add them together for your total. If your measurements are in different units, say feet and inches, you can first convert those values to feet, then multiply them together to get the square footage of the area.
- Measure the sides of your area
Convert all of your measurements to feet
- If you measured in feet skip to 'Calculate the Area as Square Footage'
- If you measured in feet & inches, divide inches by 12 and add that to your feet measure to get total feet
- If you measured in another unit of measure, do the following to convert to feet
- inches: divide by 12 and that is your measurement in feet
- yards: multiply by 3 and that is your measurement in feet
- centimeters: multiply by 0.03281 to convert to feet
- meters: multiply by 3.281 to convert to feet
Calculate the Area as Square Footage
- If you are measuring a square or rectangle area, multiply length times width; Length x Width = Area.
- For other area shapes, see formulas below to calculate Area (ft2) = Square Footage.
Convert among square inch, square foot, square yard and square meter
You could, for example, perform all of your measurements in inches or centimeters, calculate area in square inches or square centimeters then convert your final answer to the unit you need such as square feet or square meters.
To convert among square feet, yards and meters use the following conversion factors. For other units use our calculator for area conversions.
- Square Feet to Square Yards
- multiply ft2 by 0.11111 to get yd2
- Square Feet to Square Meters
- multiply ft2 by 0.092903 to get m2
- Square Yards to Square Feet
- multiply yd2 by 9 to get ft2
- Square Yards to Square Meters
- multiply yd2 by 0.836127 to get m2
- Square Meters to Square Feet
- multiply m2 by 10.7639 to get ft2
- Square Meters to Square Yards
- multiply m2 by 1.19599 to get yd2
Square Footage Formulas and Images for Different Areas
Calculate square footage for a square area
Using measurements in feet:
Area (ft2) = Side Length x Side Length
Calculate square footage for a rectangle area
Using measurements in feet:
Area (ft2) = Length x Width
Calculate square footage for a rectangle border area
Using measurements in feet:
Inner Area (ft2) = Length x Width
Total Area (ft2) = (Length + (2 x Border Width)) x (Width + (2 x Border Width))
Area (ft2) = Total Area - Inner Area
Calculate square footage for a circle area
Using measurements in feet:
Area (ft2) = Pi x (Diameter/2)^2
Pi = 3.14
Calculate square footage for a circle border area
Using measurements in feet:
Outer Diameter = Inner Diameter + (2 x Border Width)
Outer Area (ft2)
= Pi x (Outer Diameter/2)^2
Inner Area (ft2)
= Pi x (Inner Diameter/2)^2
Area (ft2) = Outer Area - Inner Area
Pi = 3.14
Obviously, the Circle Border and Annulus are the same, just measured differently.
Calculate square footage for a annulus area
Using measurements in feet:
Outer Area (ft2)
= Pi x (Outer Diameter/2)^2
Inner Area (ft2)
= Pi x (Inner Diameter/2)^2
Area (ft2) = Outer Area - Inner Area
Pi = 3.14
Obviously, the Circle Border and Annulus are the same, just measured differently.
Calculate square footage for a triangle area
Using measurements in feet:
Area (ft2) = (1/4) x square root[ (a+b+c) x (b+c-a) x (c+a-b) x (a+b-c) ]
Calculate square footage for a trapezoid area
Using measurements in feet:
Area (ft2) = ((a + b) / 2 )h
››Convert acre to square foot
Please enable Javascript to usethe unit converter.
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Did you mean to convert | acre acre [commercial] acre [Ireland] acre [survey] | to | square foot square foot [survey] |
››More information from the unit converter
How many acre in 1 square feet?The answer is 2.2956841138659E-5.
We assume you are converting between acre and square foot.
You can view more details on each measurement unit:
acre orsquare feet
The SI derived unit for area is the square meter.
1 square meter is equal to 0.00024710538146717 acre, or 10.76391041671 square feet.
Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results.
Use this page to learn how to convert between acres and square feet.
Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!
››Quick conversion chart of acre to square feet

1 acre to square feet = 43560 square feet
2 acre to square feet = 87120 square feet
3 acre to square feet = 130680 square feet
4 acre to square feet = 174240 square feet
5 acre to square feet = 217800 square feet
6 acre to square feet = 261360 square feet
7 acre to square feet = 304920 square feet
8 acre to square feet = 348480 square feet
9 acre to square feet = 392040 square feet
10 acre to square feet = 435600 square feet
››Want other units?
1 Yard Equals How Many Inches
You can do the reverse unit conversion fromsquare feet to acre, or enter any two units below:
››Common area conversions
acre to square mile
acre to are
acre to square furlong
acre to square hectometer
acre to decare
acre to square micromicron
acre to tsubo
acre to perche
acre to tunnland
acre to township

2 Lots Equals How Many Square Feet Equal
››Definition: Acre
An acre is a measure of land area in Imperial units or U.S. customary units. It is equal to 43 560 square feet, 4840 square yards, or 160 square rods. The precise meaning of this depends on the exact definition adopted for a foot: the international acre is 4 046.856 422 4 m² (for the UK, see). For measurements based specifically on the US survey foot the US survey acre is ca. 4 046.872 610 m².
››Definition: Square foot
A square foot is by definition the area enclosed by a square with sides each 1 foot long. One square foot is equal to 0.09290304 square metres for the international, English foot.
››Metric conversions and more
2 Lots Equals How Many Square Feet Equals
ConvertUnits.com provides an onlineconversion calculator for all types of measurement units.You can find metric conversion tables for SI units, as wellas English units, currency, and other data. Type in unitsymbols, abbreviations, or full names for units of length,area, mass, pressure, and other types. Examples include mm,inch, 100 kg, US fluid ounce, 6'3', 10 stone 4, cubic cm,metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more!