Ocasion Significado En Espanol

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Adem s del significado, sin nimos y ant nimos de la palabra 'ocasion', se busc inversamente en significados, sin nimos y ant nimos de otras palabras y en los glosarios gauchesco, criollo, lunfardo, de jergas y modismos de Argentina. Buscar de modo 'inverso' sirve para 'encontrar palabras' a partir de su significado. En dicha ocasion, descubriamos el enorme esfuerzo que nuestros colegas brasileros habian realizado para logar poner nuevamente de pie, despues de la escision, una comunidad de trabajo con sus lazos asociativos, sus publicaciones y su instituto de formacion. Lo que pienses en comprar, no lo has de alabar. He that blames would buy. Lo que se mama de nino dura toda la vida. The child is the father of the man. Lo que se pierde en una casa se gana en otra. It's a question of swings and roundabouts. What you lose in / on the swings, you gain in the roundabouts. Los genios pensamos igual.

Ocasion Significado En Espanol

Pronunciación /əˈkeɪʒən//əˈkeɪʒ(ə)n/


    • 1.1(particular time, instance)

      • on the occasion referred toen la ocasión que se indica
      • as occasion requiressi la ocasión lo indica / requiere
      • Holidays and other special occasions are marked with singing and dancing.
      • Theresa is already working on big celebrations to mark the special occasion in the history of the prominent Association.
      • Ceremonies marking many official occasions are held in the country's churches.
      • There had been only one previous occasion when I actually had to appear in court.
      • Rovers boast an excellent record in the competition having reached the final on two previous occasions in recent years.
      • Here BBC Sport recalls the five previous occasions when the ultimate prize in European rugby has been on the line.
      • Actually, I could only remember one other occasion, months and months ago.
      • The accused testified and offered excuses in relation to her failure to comply on several other occasions during this period.
      • The meal followed and it proved to be a most enjoyable social occasion.
      • In 1979 Jimmy Carter used the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the lunar landing to push his energy program.
      • Holland has won the title five times while Pakistan emerged victorious on three occasions.
      • We took a while to find the right direction on two or three occasions.
      • On at least three difference occasions, Neil accepted the hospitality of his hosts.
      • His swimming marathon last summer was on the occasion of his 40th birthday.
      • Already, the industry has found sales touching the expected figures on four occasions.
      • On all four occasions, patients were transferred to other hospitals in the city.
      • Were the written words used by the defendant on an occasion of qualified privilege?
      • Not everything said or written on an occasion of qualified privilege is protected.
      • The trial of Mr Daly had been adjourned on a number of occasions in the past.
      • You have been before the courts on many occasions over the years.
    • 1.2(special event)

      I only wear it on special occasionssolo me lo pongo en / para las grandes ocasiones
      • it was a grand occasionfue una celebración (or un acto etc.) memorable
      • his birthday party was quite an occasionsu fiesta de cumpleaños fue todo un acontecimiento
      • what's the occasion?¿qué se celebra?
      • on the occasion of her retirementcon ocasión / motivo de su jubilación
      • we cracked open a bottle to mark the occasiondescorchamos una botella para celebrarlo
    • 2.1(opportunity)

      oportunidad femenino
      you should go there if the occasion presents itself / arisesdeberías ir si te surge / se te presenta la ocasión / la oportunidad
      • I've not had occasion to thank you properlyno he tenido ocasión / oportunidad de agradecérselo como es debido
      • may I take this occasion to remind you that …permítame que aproveche la ocasión / la oportunidad para recordarle que …
      • Opportunity refers to the occasion suitable for or conducive to the behavior, including such factors as geography and time.
      • The occasion arose through the trip of the old people to Poppleton, given by Captain Grace, on the ‘River King’ a few weeks before.
      • Ms. Ayotte said she was prepared to issue a formal opinion to that effect if the occasion arose.
      • Thankfully, they are all still fit and well and could still turn on the style if the occasion arose.
      • I promised myself that I'd tell Karl as soon as the occasion arose.
      • Instead of passing the ball off every time, he took shots around the arch when the occasion arose.
      • Raf was a great playmate to have around and could be serious when the occasion arose.
      • Whenever the occasion arose to work in a different area or learn new skills, I welcomed it.
      • I reckon that birthdays are more suitable occasions for resolutions than New Year.
      • Having some occasions or opportunities to do so is always rewarding and inspiring.
      • The special occasion gave guests the opportunity to meet the director, singers and dancers of the world renown opera.
      • The occasion afforded staff the opportunity of paying tribute to a long-standing member of staff.
      • I struggle to recall those rare occasions when it has been invoked against a non-Arab state.
      • The Assembly used this rare occasion to chat about everything and nothing and just enjoy the time they spent together.
      • The controversy provided a rare occasion for agreement between the ruling right and opposition left.
      • I promised myself that I'd tell Karl as soon as the occasion arose.
      • At once, occasion arose for versions of reality to compete for public credibility.
      • Each situation is different, and must be assessed individually when the occasion arises.
      • The Bodhisattva can be represented as both male and female as need and occasion demand.
      • We addicts can always come up with suitable justifications when the occasion demands.
    • 2.2(cause)

      motivo masculino
      this might give occasion to damaging speculationesto podría dar ocasión / motivo a especulaciones perjudiciales
      • Actually, there is no special occasion or reason to buy the stuff.
      • There may be occasion at work and reason at home, for you to lose your cool or balance but that's not helpful so avoid extremes of any kind.
      • For the first thirty years of my academic career, I had no occasion and no reason to worry about sports.
      • About this time last year I had occasion to complain about the non-collection of my refuse bin.
      • I think you are somewhat reserved, but my daughter does not seem to mind your taciturnity, so I suppose I have no occasion to complain.
      • Our certainty, whether grounded in reason or miraculous signs, affords no occasion to trust.
      • I often have occasion to be reminded of the man who, as executive deputy mayor, was the face and the voice of Buffalo City.
DiccionarioOcasion Significado En EspanolDefinicion de palabras en espanol

verbo transitivo

  • dar lugar a
    • Much sadness was occasioned by the sudden death of well known Claremorris chemist Sean O'Brien at the weekend.
    • Patrick was a popular and esteemed member of the local rural community and much sadness was occasioned by his death.
    • These rites control the pollution occasioned by death, and also usher the soul from one life to another.
    • His death occasioned an outpouring of condolences, mourning, and reflection.
    • Much sadness was occasioned around the area by the news of her sudden death.
    • Last year, the lights were not removed until March, occasioning embarrassment for both the Chamber and the Council.
    • But all in all, what with the weather and a degree of jadedness occasioned by a bit of sleep disturbance, it's not been a thrilling day.
    • My examination of terms such as fraught and wrought has occasioned controversy.
    • The jury took two hours to convict him of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
    • Patrick was a popular and esteemed member of the local rural community and much sadness was occasioned by his death.
    • In principle any losses occasioned thereby are recoverable however they may be characterised.
    • After a long delay occasioned by France, the treaty entered into force in 1985.
    • The loss occasioned by cancellation of hotel bookings and other expenses runs into the billions of shillings.
    • His death shortly afterwards occasioned louder public grief than that of Louis XV four years earlier.
    • His passing occasioned deep grief in his native Ballinrobe where he was deservedly held in very high regard.
    • In addition, she received an apology for any injustice occasioned to her.
    • Do you have to show that the error is one which occasions an injustice to your client?
    • The injustices occasioned by these institutions should, however, be confronted as an aspect of spiritual practice.
    • The father was charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm, but was acquitted.
    • Johnston has been charged with malicious wounding and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Occasion Significado En Espanol Traduccion

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