Results Tables Ladders & Chairs Ppv

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Results Tables Ladders & Chairs Ppv Rating: 3,0/5 9258 votes

WWE TLC is on! The main card is beginning very, very soon as I type this! Jordan Huie of the Overtimer here to give you the results of this show as they come out! Watch this space!

Production Background. TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs is an annual gimmick pay-per-view, generally produced every December by WWE since 2009. The concept of the show is based on the primary matches of the card each containing a stipulation using tables, ladders, and chairs as legal weapons, with the main event generally being a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match. After Survivor Series comes the final PPV of the year – TLC: Tables Ladders and Chairs 2019. You can recap our predictions here, before reliving a night of pandemonium with our full show match. WWE TABLES LADDERS AND CHAIRS 2020 Pay-Per-View Full Match Results And Highlights Tonight was the WWE TABLES LADDERS AND CHAIRS 2020 pay-per-view, which featured Drew McIntyre against AJ Styles, Roman Reigns against Kevin Owens and more. WWE TLC 2020 Full Highlights And Results! WWE Tables Ladders And Chairs 2020 Winners! Topics Used In This Video:-1) Roman Reigns Vs Goldberg!2) WWE TLC 2.


A TLC edition of the Firefly Funhouse starts. Bray says it’s the time of year where we all need to pause for a moment and reflect on the person we’ve become. This actually leads right into the opening vignette for the show with Bray narrating, kinda cool.

Ladder Match for the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships: The New Day (c) vs. The Revival

Revival and New Day trading shots as we start! Chops from Revival in the corner, both Kofi and E reverse whips and take them down! E with a snapmare, holds Dash for a PK from Kofi! E slams Kofi onto Dash. New Day go out for the ladders, but Dash and Dawson chase them and get them from behind. “New Day Rocks” chant as Revival very slowly take up ladders, E and Kofi attack them from behind and post them. E throws Dawson over the announce table. Dash gets shots to the kidney in to Kofi. Dawson slams E onto the announce table, then drives him into the steps! Revival then double team Kofi, throw him into the LED board. Revival take a ladder onto the apron, they try to throw Kofi into it but he leaps right over it! He wants a baseball slide to take the Ladder into the Revival but they held the ladder up to make him miss, then rammed it down onto him time and time again! They take the ladder up, Kofi leaps right over the ladder with a flip, goes up to the apron, springs off the second rope for a body press onto the Ladder to wipe out Dash & Dawson!

Kofi Kingston and Big E take the ladder into the ring, Dawson pulls Kofi out and lays him out with a clothesline. Tug-of-war between E and the Revival with the ladder, E wins out, shoves it right into Dash and Dawson’s face! “Big E” chant as E goes back out there, slams Dash against the ladder, lays him up against it. E onto the apron, Running Splash but Dawson pulls Wilder out of the way, E lands right on the ladder! Yeowch. E with a tope, but Dash and Dawson catch him out of the air and send him facefirst onto the ladder! They’re getting a lot out of that ladder just being there on the apron. But now Revival take it up and slooowwwly climb up the ladder. E into the ring, pulls Dawson off, belly to belly! Pulls Dash down, clothesline! Now E scaling the ladder! Dawson with a dropkick to the ladder, contorts it and E falls, his leg hitting the ladder on the way down. Revival with a ladder shot between the legs of E in the corner! Double dropkick slams the ladder deeper into his groin!

Revival hang the ladder onto the ropes, Double Back Suplex Facebuster takes E onto the ladder! Kofi enters the ring, they try a double team move, Kofi escapes, goes up top, flies and grabs the ladder for a Teeter Totter spot, always dangerous! Takes out both members of the Revival, seems like it went pretty safely. E gets Dawson into a Stretch Muffler! Gets him waaaay up, Wilder with body shots to break it up but Kofi deposits him! E again wants that Stretch Muffler, and as he hoists him, Kofi drives the ladder into Dawson’s abdomen! “One More Time” chant. It’s ignored because that’s not in the script of the match, Kofi and E stand the ladder up, Dash dumps E from the ring as Kofi climbs. Dawson grabs Kofi’s leg, Kofi tries his best to kick them away but they shove the ladder, Kofi lands on the top rope, Springboard Twisting Crossbody to Dawson! Trouble In Paradise to Dash, crowd is on their feet chanting “Kofi”! Goes up the ladder, Dawson grabs him. Pulls him off into a mid-air Shatter Machine, out of nowhere!


Revival now scaling the ladder, big heat until E comes in to take Dawson off the ladder and post him! E takes Wilder onto the apron, PPV APRON SPEAR FROM E, damn he got him hard with it! E drives a ladder into Dawson’s gut a couple of times. Goes outside with it, pulls the ladder out and just deposits it, gets a different ladder. I guess that other one was broken. E sets that ladder up right next to another one. Throws Dawson into one of the ladders, then goes and gets a third one! He’s now setting it up between the ropes, and in between the rungs of the ladder. He drags Dawson on top of the ladder bridge! E goes up top… Wilder cuts him off, E gets crotched! Dawson now pursues E up top, DAWSON WITH A RIDICULOUS SUPLEX THAT DENTS THE LADDER! It’s bent but not broken… Wilder off the top with a splash to shatter it! Jesus, those ladders don’t fail to break very often, that had to suuuck!

“This Is Awesome” chant, Revival climbing both ladders, Kofi off the top rope flies to the rungs of one of them! He’s fighting all by himself against the both of them! But Wilder slides Kofi’s legs between the rungs, slams his face into the top of the ladder over and over and now he’s out. E somehow gets up in time though to grab Wilder from behind just before he grabbed the titles! E WITH A BIG ENDING OFF THE LADDER!! Loud chant for “Kofi” now as he’s still laid out and Dawson’s grabbing for the titles! Kofi manages to fight out, slams the titles right into Dawson’s face and Dawson falls right onto the already shattered ladder! Dawson’s ladder fell too, what carnage… Kofi grabs the titles and the New Day retains!

Winners: The New Day

Hot damn, what a match!

Buddy Murphy vs. Aleister Black

Black wants Black Mass right off the bat, Buddy ducks it and bails. Goes back into the ring, they each go for leg sweeps and quick pin attempts, stand-off! Black takes Murphy out of the ring, Buddy slips right back in only to face Black as he sits cross-legged. He just stays like that as Buddy stands. Goes for a PK but Black avoids it, Japanese Arm Drag! Whip, arm wringer takedown. Black takes Murphy into the corner, clean break but Murphy with a big knee lift to the jaw of Black! Buddy charges into another Japanese Arm Drag. Black trying to work out the kinks of his jaw with that. Takes him up, Murphy escapes, back elbow. Black responds with a roundhouse kick, and another! Murphy reverses a whip but takes a third roundhouse kick that takes him right down! Slight chant of “Aleister”!

Murphy wants a drop toe hold but Black stops himself, back body drop takes him to the apron, legsweep lands Murphy on the apron! Aleister tries for a running soccer kick from the apron, Murphy catches the leg and trips him onto the steps! Murphy throws Black into the ring. Stomps him against the corner, Black seems to have a busted lip now. Buddy takes Black by the hair and pulls him up, Aleister tries to fight back with a Fireman’s Carry but Buddy escapes and takes him down, hooks both arms and grinds his forearm against the jaw. That’s a busted nose actually! Black escapes, but Murphy dumps him to the floor! Pursues, slams Black’s face onto the announce table. Buddy grabs Aleister’s jacket and puts it on in the ring. Black goes to the apron, Murphy tosses the jacket but Black DODGES THE JACKET and gets a big boot to the face in! Comes back in, Murphy with a side headlock and gets taken to the corner, Murphy shoves him off and goes up top, flies off right into a big boot!

I think that jacket landed right on Jerry Lawler’s face, prompting a “Jerry” chant. Aleister with big forearms, Buddy responds with a spinning back kick, striking continues, Black wins out, big legsweep, driving running knee to the face! Crowd applauds! Murphy with a floatover, hits the ropes, Black with a big high knee! And a spinning high knee, springboard moonsault for the nearfall! Black gets the boot under the chin of Murphy to pull him up, Murphy escapes but eats a back elbow that takes him to the apron. Black pursues, grabs him by the hair. Hooks him for a suplex, Murphy escapes, pump kick! Hooks him but gets taken right into the post! Black with a Triangle Moonsault wipes Murphy out to a sudden pop!

Black takes him into the ring, push kick, pump knee to the face for a nearfall! Aleister wants his Dragon Sleeper but Murphy with a snapmare, only for Black to hit another push kick that takes Murphy right into the corner! Black takes him up top, pursues for a superplex but Murphy knocks him to the mat, only to eat a springing big boot to the face! Black wants a superplex, but Murphy avoids it, sunset flip, Cheeky Nandos Kick! And another and a third! Hooks him, Liger Bomb for a nearfall! Murphy struggles to his feet, they are both worn out. Buddy wants the Kamigoye, but Black grabs the knee! Fights to his feet, spinning back elbow! Murphy with a superkick! V-Trigger, and another, Brainbuster!!! Cover for a nearfall! A very very quiet duel starts. Legsweep from Black, Murphy leaps above it, blocks and trades, Black evades a knee lift, Black Mass gets the victory!

Winner: Aleister Black

Crowd comes up to applaud after the match. They were quiet for most of it, but definitely a lot of appreciation for the most intense parts. Gotta love it, just a straight-up fight, so intense, so unlike what you’d typically see in WWE.

Rusev backstage is happy because after Lana re-marries he’s legally not required to pay alimony. Says he may be divorced but he’s never alone because every day is Rusev Day.

Viking Raiders out now for their open challenge. They say that last week they threw down the gauntlet and dared any team to try and take their championships. They dominated then and tonight they are prepared to destroy. So now… let the raid begin! Big chant of “War”, that’s kind of amazing, never heard them being that over on the main roster before. Ohhhh yeah they’re in Minnesota, that’s why, that’s adorable.

The OC’s music hit! Gallows and Anderson emerge, carrying their trophy. Call this Open Challenge lame like Minneapolis. This gets big heat. They say this isn’t about the tag team titles, it’s about you avenging your loss against us! And them defending their position as the Best Tag Team In The World.

WWE Raw Tag Team Championships: The Viking Raiders (c) vs. The OC

Viking Raiders take advantage quick, but a Running Big Boot from the illegal Gallows at ringside begin a lengthy heat segment for the OC. Erik back elbows his way to try and get out of it but is stopped once more… only to floatover his way to tagging Ivar! House of fire, Overhead Pumphandle Suplex! Powerslam to Anderson, crossbody! Anderson evades, but eats the senton! Gallows runs into the ring but Ivar wins out on the strike exchange! Slips to the apron, forearm takes Gallows down! Goes up top! Anderson dumps him to the canvas. Back Suplex/Neckbreaker combo for a nearfall!

Ivar with a handspring double back elbow starts the comeback, tag to Erik, Viking Experience to Anderson but Gallows breaks up the fall! Big Tree Bomb on Erik, Ivar with a shot but eats a big boot and everyone is down! On the outside, Erik with big forearms to both men but gets sent out into the crowd! Ivar with a suicide dive wipes out both men! And the ref is counting… double ten count finish.

Winners: N/A (Double Count Out)


Crowd boos, chant of “Bullshit”. Afterwards, Gallows and Anderson attack the Viking Raiders, grab a KFC table at ringside (really wasn’t worth discussing) and pull it aside, knocking over much food in the process. Viking Raiders make their comeback, double powerbomb takes Anderson through the KFC table.

Corbin and Reigns out for their TLC match, Corbin sends his stooges out to attack Roman, he dispatches of all of them, one very violently gets taken through a table! Bell rings!

Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match: Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin

Roman swiftly drives a ladder right into the Corbin’s torso. Gets a big punch in, chant of “Roman”. Throws Corbin off the ramp! Drags him through the crowd, Baron fights out of it. Roman wins out just in time to throw Corbin over the barrier and to ringside. Roman slams Corbin into the steps. Slams his fact into the table. Another chant of Roman’s name. He throws Corbin into the ring, ducks a clothesline and hits the ropes but Corbin spins a ton for the Deep Six! Throws him between the ropes to the post. Boos as Corbin poses in the ring. Corbin with a knee to the gut, throws him to the corner. Roman evades him but a ring-around-the-ringpost clothesline lays him out! Cover for 2. Baron takes him outside, but a whip reversed takes him into the barrier! Roman drives him into another! Corbin retakes the advantage in the ring, teases getting a table just to screw with the crowd.

Corbin with a chair shot to the back of Roman. And another. Sets up the chair in the middle of the ropes. Roman with a big shot, thrown to the ropes but comes off with a flying clothesline. Series of clothesline in the corner, ten of them as the crowd counts along! Hits the ropes, running big boot. “Roman” chant, sets up the Superman Punch, Corbin tries to counter with a chokeslam but Reigns escapes, ring-around-the-ringpost, Roman ducks a clothesline but eats a Chokeslam Backbreaker. Corbin poorly mocks Roman’s Spear taunt, goes for it, Roman evades him and Baron sends his own head into the chair in the ropes, Superman Punch gets a nearfall! “We Want Tables” chant.

Roman sets a table up in the ring, Corbin hits him with a can of dog food, Chokeslam through the Table for a nearfall! Corbin strips the announce table. Dumps Roman from the ring, he looks very dead. Corbin drags him onto the table. Stands on the table and makes the Word Life pose and probably doesn’t even realize it. Roman counters a powerbomb with a Samoan Drop, off one table and through another!! Roman gets the crowd to come alive, OOOH-WAHHH taunt, trots around ringside, dashes – into a Superkick from Dolph Ziggler, who was hiding under the ring! Corbin and Ziggler randomly attack a hand at ringside and toss him across ringside. Ziggler goes under the ring to grab some handcuffs and there’s yet more dog food. Boos. They’re about to dump dog food on this random guy for no reason, when Reigns with a huge Drive-By takes out both men! Roman pulls out a Kendo Stick! Corbin’s Security comes out, Roman nails each of them with a single shot to take them down, then a second shot just to keep ’em down.

This is until the Revival rush out and gang attack Roman! Dash holds Roman down, Dawson with a kendo stick shot to the back! Roman thrown into the ring, Superman Punches dispatches both Dash and Dawson. Corbin gets dumped, Taker Dive takes out like 12 people! Roman wants a spear, Ziggler throws a chair into his face! Zig Zag takes Roman down! Shatter Machine from the Revival! Chant of “Uso”, that’d actually be a great idea but nope, no one’s coming out to help Roman. End of Days onto a steel chair and that is that.

Winner: King Corbin

Of all the TLC matches I’ve seen, that was very much one of them.

Bray plays rather masterfully to the crowd as a babyface, which… he isn’t, but he’s meant to act like one I suppose. Big “Yowie-wowie” chant and Bray looks touched.

The Miz vs. Bray Wyatt

Bell rings, Bray tries to call Miz off but eats a big running big boot! Miz takes Bray into the corner and sends knee after knee into his face. Bray is trying to talk Miz down but I can’t hear him. Miz with a kick to trip him up and several more kicks to the stomach. Miz grinds at the nose and eyes, Bray bites at the rope and laughs as Miz delivers a punch to the face. Miz pulls Bray up, who is not fighting back, takes the sweater over Bray’s head and hockey punches him. Bray grabs him by the throat, takes him to he corner, charges but Miz evades, It Kicks! Hits the corner, charges for a running knee lift. Bray is not even getting his hands up. Miz Clothesline! But Bray grabs him for the Sister Abigail! Pulls him for the corner and goes for it, but Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale!

Savvily, he’s not trying to pin, grabbing Bray by the hair and slamming his face into the mat. Bray has his tongue out, smiling madly. Crowd legit does not seem to know how to respond to this. Miz now wants the Pentagon armbreaker seriously? Oh no, he’s Pete Dunne, grabbing the hand and singling out the fingers. Bray says “Do it!” and Miz indeed does the Pentagon Armsnap! Bray bails and just rams his shoulder into the barrier over and over until it goes into place! Chant of “Let Him In!” Miz with a baseball slide dropkick, slams Bray into the announce table! Miz slams him into the steps, then into the opposing ones. This is certainly a unique match. Miz charges, Bray sidesteps and sends him over the barrier! Takes him by the head, Draping Sister Abigail onto the floor! Bray rolls into the ring, ref counts Miz out, makes it to 9 and Miz barely rushes into the ring. Bray asks for Miz to please stop, pulls him up, Sister Abigail and that’s that.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Results tables ladders & chairs ppv table

Bray afterwards looks sad as if he regrets this. This breaks down into laughter. Says he’s sorry for what he did. Rips the title away from the ref all angry.

As he fights to his feet, the Fiend flashes up on the tron! “Let Him In” chant! Says “Okay, I’ll do it”, bails, says “Wee!” as he takes up the giant mallet from under the ring! The chant starts up again as Bray smirks a vile smirk, slowly stalking towards Miz, dragging the mallet across the mat. But now the lights are going down! Bray is so pleased. “He’s here!” Chant of “Yes” as the lights come up, Buisaku Knee! Bryan is here in a hoodie! Takes the hood off to reveal his now shaved hair! Big chant of “Daniel Bryan”. Bryan with Yes Kicks to Bray, big running dropkicks in the corner! Ducks a clothesline, Buisaku Knee again! Grabs the wrists of Bray, stomps on the face!

Bryan points to the mallet… grabs it up. Another chant of “Yes” as he asks the crowd about it. Lifts it above his head! But the lights go out as he’s about to swing it. When they come back up, Bray has disappeared. Bryan just slams it against the canvas before posing on the second rope to a loud chant of “Yes”. Afterwards, Bryan eyes the Universal title…

Tables Match: Bobby Lashley vs. Rusev

Rusev takes it to him early, cut off after a Lana distraction but Rusev manages to get a big suplex onto the ramp, loud chant of “Rusev Day”. Wants to put Lashley through a table at ringside, but he tips it over. Lashley escapes, throws the table at Rusev, it lands into the ringpost to shatter it. They fight into the ring, several tables now set up inside, one leaning against the corner, one barely being setup in the middle. Lashley slams Rusev’s head against a buckle, takes hm up top, pursues for a superplex through the table! Rusev escapes, trips him facefirst onto the buckle, fireman’s carry, Lashley holds onto the top rope! Rusev wants an Attitude Adjustment towards another table on the outside but Lashley lands on the apron. Hooks him for a suplex! Can’t quite hoist him, Lashley with a hot shot, Rusev with a kick to the face, Lashley flies OVER the table!

Rusev takes up the steel steps, slams them into his face! Rusev grabs a guardrail, slams it into Lashley, hoists it up with a pop! Leans the guardrail against the apron! Lashley fights back, chokeslams him right through the rail! Lashley with a kendo stick, wearing out the back of Rusev with shot after shot! Takes him into the ring and gets several more in. Leans the table against the corner. Kendo stick to the small of the back! Swings it again, Rusev catches the stick! Fights to his feet, Lashley with a kick to the gut. Charges, Rusev with a stick shot to the gut! Kendo Stick Lariats, wearing out the back of Lashley now! Breaks the stick on his knee! Machka Kick! Lana in the ring, onto the back of Rusev to gouge at his eyes. Lashley then attempts to spear Rusev into the corner table and fails miserably, only to immediately pull him out and hit an overhead belly to belly putting him through one on the opposite side.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

I think he was meant to put him through both in quick succession there, that would’ve been a cool spot. As it is, that was rather unfortunate.

Street Profits are being Street Profits when Roman Reigns and King Corbin start brawling. Aaaand so are Ziggler, The New Day, Buddy Murphy, Shorty G and others…? We’ll see you this Sunday at the Royal Rumble?

WWE Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: The Kabuki Warriors (c) vs. Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch

Results Tables Ladders & Chairs Ppv Stand

Babyfaces immediately taking the advantage with strikes and shoulder thrusts in the corners. Kabukis get deposited. Becky throws Asuka into the stacked up chairs! Apparently that fight backstage is still going on, according to Jerry Lawler. Kairi runs off the apron, flies right into a big boot from Charlotte! Charlotte steps up onto the broadcast table, Becky and her strip the surviving announce tables. Becky pulls Kairi onto one, biel toss sends her to Charlotte! Biel from Charlotte sends her to Becky! Faces want to bring a ladder into the ring, Asuka tosses a chair into each of their faces! Hip attack knocks Becky off the apron and she lands on a ladder! Chair shot to the back of Charlotte in the ring, Asuka holds a chair in front of her face for Kairi to dropkick the steel right into her!

Kabuki Warriors double team Becky on the outside, Becky knocks Kairi away but Asuka throws her into the ring. Drop toe hold onto the legs of a chair, yikes! Bulldog onto the top of a ladder! Kairi and Becky play tug of war, Charlotte grabs her from behind and sends her face first into it, baseball slide from Becky takes out Asuka! They want a double powerbomb on Asuka through a table but Kairi pulls her free, only to be taken down herself! Double Inverted Powerbomb sends Asuka flying facefirst into the post! Becky and Charlotte stand a ladder up in the ring. Kairi throws chairs into the ring, the first one bounces back and she’s embarrassed. Becky and Charlotte toss the chairs right back at her, chase her, Kairi darts under the ring!

They slowly bring her out – but she’s holding a fire extinguisher! Unloads it onto Becky and Charlotte!! Asuka now whipping them both with a rope! Asuka holds Becky in place, Kairi with a running Blockbuster taking Becky onto a chair! Asuka grabs one of the broadcast chairs as Kairi pulls Charlotte up. Charlotte gets sat onto the chair, Kairi locks her in place with a singapore cane as Asuka just roundhouse kicks her! Becky Lynch gets bodyslammed onto a ladder! And now they’re taking the rope and tying her to it! Charlotte tries to intercept but the Kabukis double team her, throwing her against the barricade! Charlotte tossed into the crowd! Asuka and Kairi finally enter the ring and scale the ladder, but they take enough time for Charlotte to come back in with a kendo stick to take them both out! Charlotte picks up the ladder, drives it into the chest of Asuka. Tug of war with Kairi briefly, Charlotte shoves her away. Goes out aside, throws Asuka onto a table covered in chairs! Exploder Suplex drives Kairi spine-first onto the barricade!

Charlotte finally goes over to Becky and tries to untie her, but a chair to the back from Asuka stops that! Kairi off the table with an Insane Elbow, but Becky gets a foot up! Upkick takes down Asuka! Charlotte had loosened the ropes just enough for Becky to wriggle free! Babyfaces making a comeback now, swinging chairs and canes. Chairs set up in the ring, Charlotte and Becky sit them down against them. Hit the ropes, charging strikes flip the chairs over with the Kabukis on them! On the outside, Asuka gets put onto a table, Becky with a second rope leg drop right through Asuka and the table! Charlotte and Becky take Kairi up, drive her into two posts and hit a double powerslam onto the floor! Getting up another table. They want a double suplex on Kairi but she counters into a Double DDT!

Both Becky and Charlotte taken onto the table! She tries for a splash off the apron, Charlotte gets out of the way but Becky eats it, the table does not break! Kairiiiiii does not appear to be all there. She walks around ringside, Charlotte wants her spear but Kairi just kinda doesn’t bump with it. Charlotte hoists Kairi up, struggles mightily to get her to go up for the powerbomb, she doesn’t appear to understand what’s happening. Eventually she does manage to straighten her up and powerbomb her hard through a table! Geeze. Asuka throws a ton of chairs on Becky and Charlotte, goes over to talk to Kairi and slowly pull her to her feet. With much instruction, Asuka gets Kairi to help her get the ladder into the ring, it’s the big tall one. Kairi keeping watch as Asuka sets the ladder up. Becky and Charlotte come in with chairs, nail Asuka, barely touch Kairi with it to take her out, big boot from Charlotte takes a chair into the face of Asuka! Kairi ducks a chair shot on the outside from Becky, body shots, they both fall…

Charlotte sets up another table on the outside, takes Asuka onto it. Charlotte to the top rope, wants her moonsault but Asuka stops her! Hooks her for a super powerbomb?! Asuka indeed powerbombs her right through the table, Charlotte landing hard as hell! Becky with two Bexploders to Asuka into a stack of ladders! Takes her into the ring, Becky grabs he rope which was still on the ladder and whips Asuka with it until she has to bail. Becky sets the ladder up, climbs it, but Asuka pulls on that rope to pull the ladder over and Becky fails onto the top rope! Asuka sets the ladder up and ascends! Grabs the titles and that is that.

Winners: The Kabuki Warriors

Well that was certainly wild, ton of big spots… pretty messy chaos though, hope Kairi’s okay.

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The fighting crew from backstage then spills into the arena. Reigns and Corbin fight up into the stands. Roman spears Corbin onto a sea of people to close the show.

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