A Sloth Spies On Your Homie

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The emoji list for 2020 is now complete, with 117 emojis making the final cut for release this year.

2021-01-16; Frame Perfect Series 4: ONLINE: SFAT vs Hax vs Bo5: Grand Finals. There are two main groups, the two-toed sloth and the three-toed. The two-toed has two appendages on its front paws and a three-toed surprisingly enough has three appendages on its front paws. These 'toes' however look more like big hooked claws in appearance. The have flat heads and often appear to be smilingly contentedly.

Additions include Bubble Tea, Smiling Face With Tear, bottle-feeding parents and the Transgender Flag.[1] Emojipedia is today releasing sample images for each of the new emojis approved as part of this list.

Above: New emojis approved for release in 2020. Video: Emojipedia.

Welcome additions include an emoji showing People Hugging which shows a greater sense of empathy than the previous excited-looking 🤗 Hugging Face, a pinched finger gesture which is commonly referred to simply as 'Italian Hand Gesture'.

Variations of existing emojis now approved for 2020 include a woman or gender-inclusive person in a tuxedo, as well as a gender-neutral person or a man in a veil (both were changes proposed by Google). These, along with other approved emojis, will be coming to phones later this year.[2]

Also included in this update is a gender-inclusive alternative to 🎅 Santa Claus and 🤶 Mrs. Claus, named Mx. Claus. This addition is part of an ongoing effort to make more consistent set of gender options across the board, and expands upon the 138 new gender-neutral emojis added in late 2019 as part of Emoji 12.1.[3]

Above: New emoji options available in 2020: Woman in Tuxedo, Mx Claus, Man with Veil.

Announced today by the Unicode Consortium, the 117 new emojis form part of Emoji 13.0 and will come to most platforms in the second half of 2020.[4] As part of today's announcement, Unicode has posted data files and charts for Emoji 13.0, with the sample images shown in the charts for vendor guidance.

Above: Original images from Emojipedia showing how the new emojis may look.

As with all new emoji releases, the appearance of each emoji varies by platform. Images shown on this page (and tweet thread) are original designs created by Emojipedia in a glossy style to show one potential way these may look when implemented on major platforms such as iOS, Android, WhatsApp, or Twitter.

Listed below are are each of the new emojis approved in Emoji 13.0, minus any skin tone variations.

📝 Now approved: 117 new emojis for 2020 #Emoji2020https://t.co/SojQuXZvv6pic.twitter.com/sHp7GDsSal

— Emojipedia 📙 (@Emojipedia) January 29, 2020
Smiling Face with Tear
Disguised Face
Pinched Fingers
With Skin Tones
Anatomical Heart
With Skin Tones
Person in Tuxedo
With Skin Tones
Woman in Tuxedo
With Skin Tones
Person with Veil
With Skin Tones
Man with Veil
With Skin Tones
Woman Feeding Baby
With Skin Tones
Person Feeding Baby
With Skin Tones
Man Feeding Baby
With Skin Tones
Mx Claus
With Skin Tones
People Hugging
Black Cat
Polar Bear
Potted Plant
Bell Pepper
Bubble Tea
Pickup Truck
Roller Skate
Magic Wand
Nesting Dolls
Sewing Needle
Thong Sandal
Military Helmet
Long Drum
Carpentry Saw
Mouse Trap
Transgender Symbol
Transgender Flag

For the purposes of this list, Person in Tuxedo and Person with Veil are shown as new, even though these are existing code points. Not listed: new sequences for Man in Tuxedo and Woman with Veil which are expected to have the same appearance as the current implementations.

Above: Key additions in the emoji set each year. Images: Apple 2014–2018; Emojipedia 2019–2020.

For most users, these new emojis will come to devices in software updates throughout 2020.

A number of designs from Google are shown below which are subject to change prior to final release, but give a reasonable indication of how these might look on Android. In past years, Apple has waited until the second half of the year to preview new emojis, often doing this on World Emoji Day in July.

Prior to today's announcement, Twitter already supported Woman in Tuxedo, Transgender Flag and Transgender Symbol emojis, and these are also shown below.

Above: Emojis coming to Android and Twitter in 2020. Images: Google (via Unicode chart / Twitter (via Twemoji).

Unicode announced the publishing of Emoji 13.0 data files on 2020-01-29 (California / US Pacific Time), with the announcement being made ahead of the rest of the Unicode 13.0 release to give vendors appropriate time to work on their emoji release for the year.

Expect to see these new emojis on major operating systems in the second half of 2020.

These tend to come to Android in beta around August, and to iOS and macOS in October or November.

  • 2020 Emoji List (Emoji 13.0)
  • Emojipedia Sample Images for 2020 (Images)
  • Emojipedia Sample Images for 2020 (Video)

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Above: New in 2020: Ninja, Bubble Tea, Pinched Fingers, Accordion, Coin, Person Feeding Baby, Smiling Face With Tear, Teapot, People Hugging. Images: Emojipedia Sample Image Collection.

  1. Transgender Flag was drafted as a 2020 emoji candidate in 2019, and some vendors including WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter added this ahead of approval by Unicode. The result has been a flag that works on some platforms, but not others. ↩︎

  2. This has been achieved by reclassifying the previous emojis for Man in Tuxedo and Bride with Veil as gender-neutral. Future software updates will show these with an ambiguous gender, and rename them to Person in Tuxedo and Person with Veil respectively. New sequences in Emoji 13.0 permit a choice of a woman or man for either the tuxedo or veil-wearing emojis. During this transition, current platforms will continue to show the older, gendered appearance for these emojis, until the new gendered sequences are implemented on iOS, Android, and other apps later in 2020. ↩︎

  3. First pushed by Google in early 2019, having three choices for human emojis (person - with no gender specified, or options for a woman or man) avoids issues where some emojis have a woman, man, or an ambiguous gender. Many of these decisions are a relic of much earlier emoji releases, such as the gender pair of a bride being a man in tuxedo, which previously prevented there from being the option of a woman wearing the same clothing. ↩︎

  4. Unicode lists this update as 62 emoji additions, with 55 gender or skin tone variations. This is technically correct per the Unicode emoji specifications, however it does mean that Mx Claus is counted in the 'new' section, while Man with Veil is counted as merely a gender variation. Of the 117 emojis, one is considered an emoji component, meaning it is used as part of a sequence, but will not necessarily be shown on emoji keyboards. ↩︎

  • Kyle BlevinsCrosswalk.com Contributing Writer
  • 201912 Apr

The sin of sloth is known as one of the seven deadly sins. The sin of sloth is a bit deeper than laziness, and that subtlety is found in the thing that keeps us bound up: fear. Most of us probably do not understand the full difference of what it means to struggle with the sin of sloth versus having moments of laziness. The Greek word using in scripture is akedia, meaning the absence of care. You see, sloth is more than just being lazy. Slothfulness is a sinful heart condition.


What Does the Sin of Sloth Mean?

The short definition of “slothful” is simply laziness. Imagine a mom describing a sleep-deprived teenager (read this in your best mom voice; it’s more fun): “Oh, he’s slow moving, takes no initiative, and lives in a mess. He acts like he can’t hear me. I have to ask him to do something 10 times before he reacts, and then you’d think I was inflicting pain on him. He’s just part of the couch, somehow blind to everything piling up around him.”

This is certainly one aspect of laziness. Sleep deprivation, raging hormones, malnutrition, and stress can have an obvious impact on our energy. But there is another side to laziness that somehow slips under the radar. This is the darker side of it. I’ll spare you reading the next section in a Darth Vader voice, but you are welcome to if you’d like.

The dark side is a lack of motivation from the inner man. One possible reason for being caught in sloth is fear.

Reflecting on my early school days, I remember being enthralled with learning, specifically with words. Every year in elementary, I would work toward winning the spelling bee. I remember feeling this deep sense of pride in the 1st grade when I was the runner-up. I just knew I’d win it if I worked a little harder. My first year in middle school, I kept the trend going and made the final cut for the bee.

My mom left work to come, which I knew was a big deal, and I was eager to show off my knowledge. Given my last name, I was one of the first spellers called up. My word was “blue.” I gave my mom a confident look and spelled out “B-L-U-E, blue.” As I started to sit down, I heard “The correct spelling is B-L-E-U. You are eliminated.” Oh no. I didn’t think to ask for its use in a sentence.

Though this was a completely understandable mistake and a golden learning opportunity, I was devoured by embarrassment as I tried not to cry in front of my classmates and bore the weight of my mom leaving work for this. Despite my mom’s love and understanding, this embarrassment sparked fear in me. I never joined another spelling bee again, despite all my interest and potential. And as a 6th grader, I found myself caught in slothfulness for the first time.

What Does the Bible Say about Sloth?

The Good Book is chock-full of Scriptures that reference slothfulness and say just as much about hard work. Proverbs is the main source of these references where the words “sluggard” and “slothful” are used.

Your Homie Explodes A Sloth

  • Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger.” (Proverbs 19:15)
  • “The sluggard does not plow in the autumn; he will seek at harvest and have nothing.” (Proverbs 20:4)

These are some of the examples commonly sought out to define “slothfulness.” You can see how limiting they are. Though this absolutely describes an effect of slothfulness, it doesn’t quite get to the core of what leads a person there, nor does it provide us encouragement to share with someone caught in it. To understand what someone is going through is the ultimate goal because empathy translates to compassion, which propels us into action.

The following Scriptures show a larger picture of what is missing in a person and align more with what we discussed earlier:

  • “Do not be slothful in zeal [zeal is defined as great energy or enthusiasm toward a cause], be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” (Romans 12:11)
  • “So that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who, through faith and patience, inherit the promises.” (Hebrews 6:12)
  • “For anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, ‘Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’” (Ephesians 5:13-14)
  • “For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

Understanding and encouragement flow from these verses.

  • The charge not to be “slothful in zeal” shows that the root of slothfulness can be found in losing sight of purpose which leads to idleness.
  • The charge to be “imitators of those who, through faith and patience, inherit the promises” reminds us that it is possible to lose sight, but we have the influence we need to stay on the path we know in our hearts we should be on.
  • Finally, the charge to “awake!” is a call not to be afraid to act. Fear is fruitless and it is not from God. At the root of the fear of failure is our desire to please people more than God, for God is not interested in our perfect attempts. He is interested in our boldness to practice with the tools that He gave us.

So, exercise your spirit of power by connecting your message, your life, to purpose. Exercise your spirit of love and self-control by working hard to honor others (Romans 12:10).

How to Overcome the Sin of Sloth

We see by now that these two really go hand in hand. But true slothfulness is a two-edged sword.

One edge is an abandonment of self: we become so caught up in fear that we walk away from the things our heart truly desires and bypass opportunities. This is important to fight against because abandonment of our hearts’ desires impacts the way that we view God. God has placed in each of us an identity and purpose. The moment we start letting those things go, we move away from God and find ourselves in darkness.

My Mom Meows On Your Homie

The other edge of the sword is self-absorption: once we find ourselves in that dark wilderness, we try to rationalize where we are and why. In this place, we are not walking in thanksgiving for the life God gave us, nor are we truly trying to find our way back.

You might be thinking, “What’s the deal here?” First, you say that we abandon our desires, which is bad. But then you say that we focus too much on ourselves, and that’s also bad. The clarity we need is found in faith and praise.

Boldly pursuing our passions and interests is a way of worshiping God. We demonstrate the joy of life as we apply ourselves and let our light shine. We aren’t seeking to show the world who we are; rather, we are so thankful for who God has made us to be that we want to do all we can with it.

It’s like the excitement of being given your favorite action figure as a 4-year-old. You want to take it to your room, the yard, the trampoline, your buddy’s house, and even show and tell.

Slothfulness steals our excitement and joy in the purpose God has for us.

Some Guy Explodes Your Homie

As for focusing too much on ourselves, this is more about being so focused on our problems that we lose sight of the joy in sharing with and serving others. Introspection is necessary. But when we become absorbed by our problems, we lose our sense of control, which can spiral into depression and anxiety where our passions become lost in the pursuit of regaining that control.

Your Homie Tries To Automate My Mom

If you find yourself in this place today, you are going to be okay. As with any sin, just because it happened does not mean you have to stay there. Your redemption in Christ is the very power that will draw you to repentance where He can lift you out of that place and back into living life abundantly with Him. You are loved.

Kyle Blevins is the sole contributor to the blog, REDIRECTED, which focuses on rediscovering purpose through love. His broken life reached a turning point after being surrounded by positive people who believed he was capable of more. His passion is connecting with and encouraging those looking for a new beginning in life and in Christ. You can follow his blog at iamredirected.com.

A Sloth Configures A Cat With Rabies

Photo Credit: GettyImages/SIphotography